首页 > 新闻资讯 > 哪吒2冲向全球影史前10,经典台词翻译好有意思


2025-02-20 17:05:23











I am Nezha, the Third Prince bold!

I slay the demons, I write in rhyme untold.

Today I come to rid the evil’s breath.

You wicked fiends,prepare for death!

2. 我命由我不由天,是魔是仙,我是谁只有我自己说了算。

I'm the master of my own fate. I'm the one who decides if I'm a devil or an immortal. It's not up to Heaven to tell me who I am.

3. 生活你全是泪,没死就得活受罪,越是折腾越倒霉,越有追求越悲催,垂死挣扎你累不累,不如瘫在床上睡。

Life is full of tears. If you don't die, you have to suffer. The more you struggle, the worse it gets. The more you pursue, the more miserable you become. Aren't you tired of struggling on the brink of death? Why not just lie in bed and sleep?

4. 别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算,这是爹教我的道理。

Others' opinions are bullshit. Only you can decide who you are. That's what my father taught me.

5. 人心中的成见就像一座大山,任你怎么努力也休想搬动。

Prejudice in people's hearts is like a mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't move it.


6. 若命运不公,就和它斗到底。

If fate is unfair, fight it to the end.

7. 你中有我,我中有你,我们互为对方的另一半。

You are in me, and I am in you. We are each other's other half.

8. 如果你问我,人能否改变自己的命运,我也不晓得,但我晓得,不认命,就是哪吒的命。

If you ask me whether people can change their fate, I don't know. But I do know that not accepting fate is Nezha's fate.

9. 枉你一个灵珠活得还不如我这个魔丸!

How come a Spiritual Pearl lives a worse life than me, a Devil's Egg?

10. 不如带咤儿看尽世间繁华。

Why not take Nezha to see the splendor of the world?

11. 我是小妖怪,逍遥又自在,杀人不眨眼,吃人不放盐。

I'm a little monster, carefree and at ease. I kill without blinking and eat people without salt.




Nezha: "You are my only friend!"

Ao Bing: "You are my only friend too."

13. 哪吒:"白白搭上一条人命,你傻不傻?" 


Nezha: "Wasting a life for nothing, are you stupid?"

Ao Bing: "If I weren't stupid, why would I be friends with you!"

14. 替天行道是使命,斩妖除魔我最擅长。

It's my mission to uphold justice. I'm best at slaying demons and monsters.

15. 一生中能改变命运的机会,可不多呀!

There aren't many chances in life to change your fate!


16. 你的成败关乎全族命运,切勿被假象蒙蔽了心智。

Your success or failure affects the fate of our entire clan. Don't let illusions cloud your mind.

17. 最后的日子只要能让他开心,我就不在乎真假。

As long as he is happy in his final days, I don't care about the truth.

18. 我会让所有人刮目相看,走着瞧!

I will make everyone look at me with new eyes. Just wait and see!

19. 我向来恩怨分明,今日之恩他日定全力以报。

I always distinguish gratitude from grudges. I will repay today's kindness with all my strength in the future.

20. 儿啊,全体龙族已将身上最硬的龙鳞给了你,这万龙甲坚不可摧,就靠你啦!

My son, the entire dragon clan has given you the hardest scales from their bodies. This Ten-Thousand Dragon Armor is indestructible. It's all up to you now!

21. 你的命运由自己做主。

Your fate is in your own hands.

22. 其他人不来都无所谓,就你不能不来!

It doesn't matter if others don't come, but you must come!

23. 唯一遗憾的,是还没和您踢过毽子。

The only regret is that I haven't kicked the shuttlecock with you yet.

24. 我最大的遗憾就是没能和您一起踢毽子。

My biggest regret is not being able to kick the shuttlecock with you.

25. 爹一直对你很严,知道你心里有气,别在意别人的看法,你是谁,只有你自己说了才算,永远不要放弃。

I've always been strict with you, and I know you're resentful. Don't care about others' opinions. Only you can decide who you are. Never give up.


26. 爹祝你,永远长不大,永远是个孩子,吒儿,生日快乐!

I wish you never grow up, always remain a child. Happy birthday, Nezha!

27. 哪吒:"三年是短了点,不过我也玩的挺开心的,今天是我生辰宴,都不准哭哦!我自己的命自己扛,不连累别人。"

Nezha: "Three years is a bit short, but I've had a lot of fun. Today is my birthday banquet, no one is allowed to cry! I'll bear my own fate and not burden others."


They thought I was a demon, but I am the true divine pearl!


If there is no way ahead, I will carve out a path! If the world won’t accommodate me, I will turn the world upside down!


Screw your fate! 


Thunder is rolling, and I’m so scared! It strikes me until my body falls apart. But when I break through, I laugh out loud. I will change my fate and blow my trumpet.



Because we are still young, unaware ofthe vastness of the heavens and thedepth of the earth.


claiming to be the guiding light of theworld, yet engaging in acts of bullyingand sowing chaos among mortals!

You are the true heretics and demons!


Whether I live or die means nothing. All that matters…is your defeat!

Great, there’s still a little left! As long as the green hills are there, there’s no fear of running out of firewood.

Do you still want to change the world?” “I want to give it a try.

Because we are all too young, too naive to know the limits of the world.





